Stabbing kangaroos!
Hej igen! :)
I just need to tell Jess this!
Jess, people in sweden doesn't believe that you aussis stab kangaroos!
They think that i'm a total wacko and that i'm a total lier! haha! I still laugh when i think about all of your "aussi-jokes", specially that one about the tomato-plants and the money ;)
well, anyways it SNOWING! Yes! but unfortunatly it's not sticking to the ground! If i could i would wish for a blizzard. (not the ones from dairy-queen or coldstone, the ones with snow, it's not exactly like I wish for ice cream in the middle of a snowstorm.)
Today i'm going to the doctor to see if we can find out if something wrong with me (It's not my mental illness because I allready know about that one ;)) It's my stomach. Well figure it out, or I hope the doctor will!
I think that's it for today.

Postat av: Jessica Ryan
To all of Tess swedish friends.. shes not a wacko shes telling the truth!! in the part of Australia where i live kangaroos are a major pest problem! hunting kangaroos is a common thing by either shooting them or for those who do not have guns they hunt them with dogs then yes stab them to put them out of misery. theres no torture it is very short and sweet process so they do not suffer in pain.. ok is this a good back up Tess to prove ur not a wacko!! lol =P xxxx
Postat av: Johan
Only proves that Aussies are wacko! ;)
Postat av: Anonym
haha Aussies are not wackos!!! we might hunt kangaroos and call ketchup tomato sauce but we not wacko!! =P